Apple Ships iPods with Windows Virus (original article by Paul Thurrott)This week, Apple reported that a relatively small number of its iPod portable MP3 players shipped with a Windows virus. The virus--which affects the full-sized iPod with video--can infect Windows computers that the devices are connected to.Apple, naturally, took the opportunity to partially blame the problem on Microsoft. "We are upset at Windows for not being more hardy against such viruses, and even more upset with ours...
Zune Set to Launch (original article by Paul Thurrott, might have seen the trying-hard-to-be-hip advertising by now: Microsoft is beginning the marketing death march for its Zune portable digital music player, hoping to convince consumers that there's a viable alternative to Apple's dominant iPod. If the early reviews are to be believed, however, Microsoft first-generation Zune isn't all that exciting. It looks like it's going to be a tough holiday season for the iP...